Wednesday, November 26, 2008


What's small, fluffy, evil, cute, funny, active and Mexican at the same time? A Chihuahua! This dog breed from Mexico is probably one of the most pampered dogs because of its smallness and cuteness. Allot of celebrities own chihuahuas like Paris Hilton. Chihuahuas also come in many sizes. The smallest chihuahua can fit into a teacup. The average height is 6-10 inches, and their average weight is only 1-3 kg This breed doesn't grow much, but is completely fragile. Too see different examples of chihuahuas click this link.

Chihuahuas are good for apartment life since they're small and they don't bark much. I happen to be living in an apartment right now with a chihuahua. They hate the cold weather and may shiver allot. Sometimes they even wear clothing like a sweater to keep warm. I used to live in India and it can get cold there. It also gets really hot, so my dog had to have a little haircut. Chihuahuas wear clothes not just because they look cute in them, also because their body can't stand the temperature.

Black, brown, white: these are three different colors a chihuahua can have. These dogs can have all three colors or maybe just one. Strawberry, my chihuahua happens to have all three. Strawberry is a very unique kind of dog. She's small and fluffy and has enormous ears. She can hear things coming from meters away. She can also smell things way better than us. Did you know that dogs can hear about 10x times better than an average human?

Long-haired and short haired. Most chihuahuas have short hair but there are still some with long. My chihuahua has long hair. But she's a mixed breed: she's mostly chihuahua and a bit papillion. She can run really fast sometimes, but then she would get really tired and collapse. But you don't want to get a chihuahua mad. These are some ways of getting her mad: stealing her chicken, waking her up, carrying her in a weird and uncomfortable way and stealing her chicken. If you do any of these, she would most probably bite you so hard... you would start bleeding. This has happened to me a couple times.

Evil, Mexican, small, funny, active, cute and evil, all at the same time. It can't get any better. Chihuahuas are the best (in my opinion) kind of breed of dogs in the world...

Also look out for my poll on dog breeds. Coming soon.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


A toilet is "a bathroom fixture consisting of a bowl, usually with a detachable, hinged seat and lid, and a device for flushing with water, used for defecation and urination." the dictionary says.
It is a very important invention. We use it everyday.
If it weren't for toilets, deadly diseases would spread around the world, and you would be doing "it" in public...There are different types of toilets:
The normal flush toilet,

a squat toilet,
a public toilet,
a portable toilet,

an outdoor toilet, 
an indoor toilet,

a urinal,

a roman toilet

and a Japanese toilet. 
There are different kinds of toilets around the world in different places, some with big fancy toilets and some with a small, dirty toilet. In the olden days they would just make a whole in the ground and do "it" there, but because of that diseases started to spread. Toilets might not seem as important, when they actually are very important inventions. The toilet bowl is placed in a room called the bathroom. There are other names for this room such as, wash closet, comfort room, toilet, restroom, powder room, and other names. The inventor is anonymous but the guy or girl who made this invention is a GENIUS.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


SPCA is an organization that helps animals. SPCA stands for Society for the Prevention to Cruelty to Animals. A couple days ago, a woman from the SPCA came over to our school to talk to us about the SPCA, and what they do. She also showed us a slide show about the different things that she does. The SPCA helps the animals by trying to prevent the cruelty people do to the animals. They stop animal abuse and keep the animals. Then they nurture them so they don't make any more. The SPCA doesn't want more animals because they don't have enough space for them. And then at the end, if the animals did not get adopted or get a foster home, they would be put to sleep.(killing them) I helped them by adopting a kitty(the picture on the left) a couple days ago. I wanted to help a little more by donating some things like collars or leashes, or maybe just some old newspapers. Some people don't want to adopt them because they were strays. Instead of the pure breeds you get for an expansive price in a store, in the SPCA you could get them for less then 400 ringitt!(i got my cat for 150 ringitt) The SPCA needs your help, so please help them by donating, adopting, or even just visiting.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

have a nice day...and some stuff about me

Have a nice day...I thought of this when i had a bad day. It is good to have a nice day. You can help people have nice days by being nicer to them.. it is also a Bon Jovi song...Anyways, about me.
I like to play sports like soccer. I play almost everyday except for Monday and Saturday. I'm on the school team and i also do this soccer thing outside school called KLYS. I also play other sports like basketball, ping-pong and lots of other sports but my favorite is probably soccer.
I love dogs. I had two, but i had to leave one in Angola. Her name was "Smootie". The one dog i brought here, to Malaysia was her mom. Her name is "Strawberry". I don't know why my sister called her that. My other pets were my cats. I had four. The small evil kitties were named, "Candy" and "Nosebleed", and the big evil cats were named "Roxy" and "Trinity". All my pets were girls, cute, fluffy and EVIL.
I also like to listen to music. My favorit is probably R&B or Rap or Pop. I listen to my iPod on the bus usually everyday. I also like to watch movies. I have a lot of favorites.I also like to watch TV. My favorite shows are probably The Simpsons, Friends, Heroes, Whose Line Is it Anyway and Saturday Night Live. I also watch soccer games...