Thursday, November 13, 2008


SPCA is an organization that helps animals. SPCA stands for Society for the Prevention to Cruelty to Animals. A couple days ago, a woman from the SPCA came over to our school to talk to us about the SPCA, and what they do. She also showed us a slide show about the different things that she does. The SPCA helps the animals by trying to prevent the cruelty people do to the animals. They stop animal abuse and keep the animals. Then they nurture them so they don't make any more. The SPCA doesn't want more animals because they don't have enough space for them. And then at the end, if the animals did not get adopted or get a foster home, they would be put to sleep.(killing them) I helped them by adopting a kitty(the picture on the left) a couple days ago. I wanted to help a little more by donating some things like collars or leashes, or maybe just some old newspapers. Some people don't want to adopt them because they were strays. Instead of the pure breeds you get for an expansive price in a store, in the SPCA you could get them for less then 400 ringitt!(i got my cat for 150 ringitt) The SPCA needs your help, so please help them by donating, adopting, or even just visiting.

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