Wednesday, November 5, 2008

have a nice day...and some stuff about me

Have a nice day...I thought of this when i had a bad day. It is good to have a nice day. You can help people have nice days by being nicer to them.. it is also a Bon Jovi song...Anyways, about me.
I like to play sports like soccer. I play almost everyday except for Monday and Saturday. I'm on the school team and i also do this soccer thing outside school called KLYS. I also play other sports like basketball, ping-pong and lots of other sports but my favorite is probably soccer.
I love dogs. I had two, but i had to leave one in Angola. Her name was "Smootie". The one dog i brought here, to Malaysia was her mom. Her name is "Strawberry". I don't know why my sister called her that. My other pets were my cats. I had four. The small evil kitties were named, "Candy" and "Nosebleed", and the big evil cats were named "Roxy" and "Trinity". All my pets were girls, cute, fluffy and EVIL.
I also like to listen to music. My favorit is probably R&B or Rap or Pop. I listen to my iPod on the bus usually everyday. I also like to watch movies. I have a lot of favorites.I also like to watch TV. My favorite shows are probably The Simpsons, Friends, Heroes, Whose Line Is it Anyway and Saturday Night Live. I also watch soccer games...


Kailee (: said...

To bad I knew most of that stuff!

angelaagustinus said...

joseph joseph joseph joseph joseph joseph joseph joseph joseph joseph.
rio rio rio rio rio rio rio rio rio rio rio rio rio rio rio rio rio rio.
HIIIIIIII! nice post, i know all of them already XD real colorful. =D i like it. keep writing more kay? i'll keep on reading. ^^

Rahul's Rock Music said...

nothing about this
you know the red sign with a face on it the one you have
its bon jovi's
have a nice day is a song